35.000 years ago
Where searching more Egyptian I found that website http://guity-novin.blogspot.cz/2016/09/chapter-1-birth-of-graphic-design-egypt.html where are cave paintings 35.000 years old.
1000 - 1500 B.C. Crafts represented by Egyptians paintings.
Battle of nubia
The paintings were flat, the figures were drawn from profile point of view. The perspective is not there it is really 2D without any sign from which part - space it is. The time is represented by the tools and guns we can see in the paitings.
These paintings are great memory which tells us very old stories. We can find out how man lived and what they did.
Bayeux tapestry. Still flat perspective but long strip of a Norman invasion of Britain.
Here is the whole strip: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/f/fe/Tapisserie_de_Bayeux_31109.jpg
1895 newspaper R.F. Outcalt's The yellow kid in The New York World
some history of The Yellow Kid: http://www.neponset.com/yellowkid/history.htm
another information: http://www.tcj.com/outcault-goddard-the-comics-and-the-yellow-kid/
I like the perspective in uncle Eben, Only one image shows the street, others are left simple.
1978 first graphic novel called graphic novel
A Contract with God Will Eisner. The drawings are great, rich and greatly supporting the story.
FINDER: Voice by Carla Speed McNeil & Various Artists
THE ICE KING OZ by Eric Shanower
BLUEBERRY by Charlier Giraud
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