
Marianne Straub

It was not easy to find more information about Straub moquettes. Anyway, there is a photo collection on London Transport web page but it does not work. Thanks to my fellow student Christy - Moved by Breath - she saved the photograph of the tube where we can see the art of Straub in its beauty inside the wagon.

London Transport Museum Shop

Straub-Moquette-textile-in-picadily-carriage-opened-by-queen-Photographed-by-LT-16-December-1977.jpg 600×600 pixels

ART or DESIGN: I think it is an art designed for a seat.

TEMPORARY or PERMANENT: Temporary till it needs to be changed.

LARGE SCALE or SMALL SCALE: It is evident if we approach to one seat it is a relatively small scale but when we see it as the whole piece in an empty bus and we calculate all vehicles we get a large scale.

TRANSFORMING and/or DEFINING and/or FORMING: Certainly the work transform the space, it makes it more vibrant and cosy.

IMMERSIVE and/or DISTANT: you can touch it when you are sitting on it or you can watch as a whole.


It is an upholstery. It is expected to be resistant to daily use for people sitting on every day in thousands of numbers. It is expected to be easily cleaning and to have a long life. It has nice combinations of blue and green dark colours and their shades.

The pattern could represent somehow an order in the chaos around our lives. It put harmony when people are walking forth and back from tube to tube. The design of the pattern and its colour has a restful feeling. It must have had a great impact on the whole atmosphere when people were travelling. When I remember our bus interior 20 years ago it was shady not cosy space comparing with this great examaple of used textiles, its pattern and colour.

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