
Research point - Ptolemy Mann

The joyous colourfield textile artworks of Ptolemy Mann

What is her craft and how does she approach it in her work?
Ptolemy Mann is a weaver. She works with perfectly balanced colour and its combination. She is interested in architecture as well as in geometry. In her work, we can see variability of straight lines. The result is an amazing work which has a great effect on the audience. It is an abstract, dreamy, peaceful, beauty work.

Do they adhere to the ideas of Slow Design? To what extent does this allow them to
take risks, experiment and innovate?
It is her innovative approach to the dye process to get rich and vivid colours. 90% of her work is the dye process followed the weaving process. Her inspiration is from Bauhaus weaving pieces. The straight lines are dominant. The risk is that you can not just paint over the area you do not like it. What is weaved is fixed in the weaving process.
She wanted to spread the weaving art more into other levels of art. He produced many pieces in cooperation with other artists and still, she is open to doing further.

Is her story or the story of her work important? Why?
It is good to know how she grew up and what was her inspiration which leads to getting so beautiful Ptolemy's art. Somehow it is continuous weaving process from Bauhaus era and really I love it. I must have a piece of Ptolemy.

Do you value ‘craft’ and craftsmanship? Why or why not?
Certainly, I do value it. This course change maybe a little bit my mind or my point of view what the product/object is. The mass production can convey objects we need for living for reasonable prices. Every object has its own values but no one which is marked as hand-made can convey the additional experiences such as feeling it was produced by hands of the artist. The artist had it in his hands, we put into it a love, some intention to express unspeakable for example. No one can have the same piece, it is unique. When I thinking more and more about it I feel that it is maybe only a feature of us to possess something which other can not. A desire to have something beautiful, personal to our inner world, peaceful, strange, unique and what other else.

Is there room for craft in modern society?
No doubt, there will be always inquiry for the craft. I am the fun of the craft even some pieces are too expensive for me to buy.

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